Sunday, June 25, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

Geez, all it does is rain. It's not April, it's June! Well, let it rain this week, but it better be nice next week cause I have off.

I have to go to Baltimore this week for meetings. It should be fun. We are going to John Hopkins University for three days. I have been so organized that I can't stand it. I have already started packing. We went shopping this morning and I found a mini super soaker squirt gun. So, I have my ammunition in case I need it. The plan is to get someone wet. What a great stress reliever!

I have been progressing on my half-pi shawl. I really like knitting with the Zephr yarn. The pattern is not difficult so I haven't been having trouble with it. What a relief. I had a couple of close calls with dropped stitches, but I recovered quickly and easily.

My shrug is also getting bigger. Luckily I haven't been having any problems and I'm now past the point where I began to frog. Maybe it stopped giving me trouble since I started using lifelines. I just hope that I have enough yarn.

Check this out:

I got this from the Mason Dixon website. It's my blog address in graphic format. You can find how do this here . I think it's cool!

Well, time to start thinking about bedtime as I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning. Five days until vacation. Yippee!

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