Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm back to knitting

My hand feels much better, but I'm taking it easy. The good thing is that I picked up my ripple afghan and I started crocheting on that again. Maybe I need to go back and forth between knitting and crocheting for awhile?

My hand didn't stop me from buying yarn though. I got two orders from the Loopy Ewe this month. In the first one, I got from left to right: Handmaiden Casbash in forest fairie, Fleece Artist in Cezanne, and Brooklyn Handspun in Moody, Mint julep and flowering. I love all of these yarns.

Loopy Ewe - July 09

In the second order, I got Shibui sock in color 1675, Alchemy Juniper in The night air and dragon and Enchanted Knoll Farm in Sunflower.

Loopy Ewe - July 09 - 2nd

My hand made me feel bad, but the yarn made me feel better.


addi knitting said...

It is great to hear that your hands are feeling better. I know mine have been giving me trouble, but I still manage to get the things done I want to.

freshisle said...

Glad to hear your hands are some better. I tend to have a sore index finger on my left hand when I knit like crazy!
Good plan to alternate with crochet.